Our Mission
To bring together legal professionals of Korean descent or with interests in Korea throughout the world to build professional relationships and promote social justice.
Core Principles
AFFINITY: Celebrating our heritage and the Korean experience, enhance and enrich the practice of law for our members.
ACCOMPLISHMENT: Celebrate the individual and collective achievements of lawyers of Korean descent around the world and foster professional development.
DIVERSITY: Acknowledge the diversity among lawyers of Korean heritage and in our profession and respect the contributions our diversity makes to our community and profession.
PUBLIC SERVICE: Understanding the sacrifices of others that have made possible the opportunities now available to lawyers of Korean heritage, support the work of the IAKL Foundation and serve the public interest consistent with our international focus.
SOCIAL JUSTICE: Strive, as members of the legal profession, to promote social justice and take appropriate action to prevent injustices – consistent with our international focus – in situations where we can make a difference, including to promote tolerance and fairness.

Origin Story
The International Association of Korean Lawyers (IAKL) began in 1987 when a group of lawyers from Korea and lawyers of Korean descent came together in Seoul, Korea, in connection with an international conference sponsored by the World Peace Through Law Association. Those lawyers decided to form an organization, IAKL, whose primary purpose was to promote communication and friendship between lawyers of Korean heritage around the world.
Since its first conference in 1988 in New York City, the IAKL has held annual conferences that have brought together participants with diverse backgrounds Korean citizens; first, second, and third generation Korean-Americans; Koreans living in Canada, Australia, Brazil, Panama, Argentina, Japan, Europe, and other places; and attorneys from big and small law firms, corporations, law schools, governments, public interest organizations, and the judiciary. The conferences have included bilingual-translated panel discussions on various topics concerning the legal system, the political world, and public service obligations. Not neglecting the need to socialize, the conferences always feature fine dining, cultural events, and golf as well.